This is a page of a lithograph from the June 4, 1870, edition of Harper’s Weekly showing black men lining up to register to vote in the first municipal elections in Richmond, Virginia, since the end of the Civil War. Subtitled “A Journal of Civilization,” Harper’s Weekly was a published out of New York City from 1857 until 1916….

Jesse James Love Story
by Matt Clark (American, 1903-1972) This painting, by western artist Matt Clark, depicts the 1874 marriage of Jesse James to Zerelda Mimms (“Zee”), who aims her pistol at the hapless minister, while brother Frank keeps a lookout at the window. Like his brother Benton, Matt Clark was member of the Society of Illustrators Hall of…

THEME OF THE WEEK: Defense and Protection
Wei Dynasty Soldier 386–535 CE Even fifteen hundred years ago, defense and protection were essential. By 386 CE, China was deeply divided by multiplewarring territories; a nearly four hundred years-long peace was shattered, and the previous period of artistic expansion and philosophy was over. All parties had declared their independence, breaking away—politically and geographically—from China’s unified governmental leadership. The period…
In these challenging times, we all could use a bit of humor. The Pamplin Collection has many paintings, prints, and posters that illustrate humorous events and lives. Here are just a handful. Boy and Principal Boy and Principal, by Richard Sargent (American, 1911-1978), Saturday Evening Post cover for February 7, 1959. Here, Sargent captures the two sides of a young…